福山2020Tree composition and dynamics in a frequently typhoon-disturbed subtropical broadleaved forest, Taiwan (頻繁颱風擾動下的臺灣亞熱帶闊葉林樹木組成與動態)博士論文氣象及微氣候,森林生態結構
福山2020Role of DIN and DON in nitrogen cycle in a humid subtropical forest catchment in northeast Taiwan研討會報告營養鹽循環
福山2020Tropical cyclone ecology: A scale-link perspective研究報告氣象及微氣候,森林生態結構
福山2020Temporal population variability in local forest communities has mixed effects on tree species richness across a latitudinal gradient研究報告木本植物,森林生態結構
福山2020Resilience of a subtropical rainforest to annual typhoon disturbance: Lessons from 25-year data of leaf area index研究報告森林生態結構
福山2020Network science applied to forest megaplots: tropical tree species coexist in small-world networks研究報告木本植物
福山2020Multi-stemming and size enhance survival of dominant tree species in a frequently typhoon-disturbed forest研究報告木本植物
福山2020Landscape representation by a permanent forest plot and alternative plot designs in a typhoon hotspot, Fushan, Taiwan研究報告森林生態結構
福山2020Hydrological responses in a natural forested headwater before and after subsurface displacement研究報告水文水質,土壤
福山2020Effects of nested plot designs on assessing stand attributes, species diversity, and spatial forest structures研究報告木本植物,森林生態結構
福山2020Dynamics of pore water pressure at the soil–bedrock interface recorded during a rainfall-induced shallow landslide in a steep natural forested headwater catchment, Taiwan研究報告水文水質,土壤
福山2020Designing cluster plots for sampling local plant species composition for biodiversity management研究報告木本植物
福山2020Assessing typhoon-induced canopy damage using vegetation indices in the Fushan Experimental Forest, Taiwan研究報告氣象及微氣候,森林生態結構
福山2020A research framework to integrate cross-ecosystem responses to tropical cyclones研究報告氣象及微氣候,森林生態結構